In this article we are providing PPT on Types of Intellectual Property Rights which will help to understand the types of Intellectual Property Rights
PPT on Types of Intellectual Property Rights
Introduction IPR are exclusive rights which are given to inventors, businesses, artists for their artistic creation, useful invention, works. Patent, Trademark, Copyright, Designs Design means composition of lines, features of shape, pattern, Design is given for 10 years from the date of registration. section 2 (zb) of the Trade mark act 1999 deals with the concept of trademark. There are mainly four types of trademark i.e service trademark, product trademarks, collective trademarks, certification trademarks. copyright is the right which is given to its owner. It protects dramatic work, musical work. computer programs. Patent is a right to an invention that is new and useful. Novelty, Usefulness and Non- obviousness is required for patent. Thank You….