MCQs on ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution)

MCQs on ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) – multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR):

MCQs on ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution)

  1. What does ADR stand for?
  • a) Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • b) Alternative Dispute Regulations
  • c) Alternative Dispute Remedies
  • d) Alternative Dispute Rights
  1. Which of the following is NOT a method of ADR?
  • a) Mediation
  • b) Arbitration
  • c) Litigation
  • d) Negotiation
  1. In arbitration, the decision made by the arbitrator is:
  • a) Non-binding
  • b) Binding
  • c) Suggestive
  • d) Optional
  1. Which of the following ADR methods involves a neutral third party who facilitates communication but does not make a decision?
  • a) Arbitration
  • b) Mediation
  • c) Litigation
  • d) Conciliation
  1. Which ADR process is most formal and resembles a court proceeding?
  • a) Mediation
  • b) Negotiation
  • c) Arbitration
  • d) Conciliation
  1. The main purpose of ADR is to:
  • a) Increase the workload of courts
  • b) Resolve disputes quickly and cost-effectively
  • c) Complicate the dispute resolution process
  • d) Ensure all disputes are handled in court
  1. Which of the following is a key advantage of mediation over litigation?
  • a) Mediation is more time-consuming.
  • b) Mediation is generally more expensive.
  • c) Mediation is confidential.
  • d) Mediation results are always binding.
  1. In which ADR method does the third party make a decision that is usually final and enforceable by law?
  • a) Negotiation
  • b) Mediation
  • c) Arbitration
  • d) Conciliation
  1. Which of the following best describes ‘conciliation’?
  • a) A formal process where the third party imposes a solution.
  • b) An informal process where the third party helps parties reach a mutually acceptable solution.
  • c) A court proceeding with less formalities.
  • d) A process where the third party acts as a judge.
  1. What is the role of an arbitrator?
    • a) To act as a mediator and help parties negotiate.
    • b) To provide legal advice to one of the parties.
    • c) To hear both sides and make a binding decision.
    • d) To enforce the decision of a court.


  1. a) Alternative Dispute Resolution
  2. c) Litigation
  3. b) Binding
  4. b) Mediation
  5. c) Arbitration
  6. b) Resolve disputes quickly and cost-effectively
  7. c) Mediation is confidential.
  8. c) Arbitration
  9. b) An informal process where the third party helps parties reach a mutually acceptable solution.
  10. c) To hear both sides and make a binding decision.

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