In this article we are providing PPT on Lok Adalat in India which will helpful to understand the concept of lok adalat in India.
PPT on Lok Adalat in India
PPT on Lok adalat in India Introduction Estalishment of Lok adalats are given under the section 19 of the legal service authority act,1987 In maharashtra lok nayalaya was commenced in 1984 and lok adalat was introduced in 1982 in India. In India many people does not know the proper procedure about the courts. lok adalats will help to compromise their matters amicably. Creation of lok adalat made significant impact on the life of ordinary people. Pendency of litigation is one the problem in Indian judiciary. Because of lok adalat people are getting fast track result on their issues. Jurisdiction of lok adalat was given under section 19 of the legal service authority act 1987 There are various powers which are given to lok adalat like civil court. lok adalat can summons a witness also examine him or her on oath. Lokadalat conducted by the judicial officers, Judges and social workers. they accepts civil and criminal cases. Composition of lok adalat – Supreme court, High court, District court, Taluka court. Each court have their own legal service committee. Award passed by lok adalat is binding on the parties.