Grounds of Divorce under the Hindu Marriage Act

Grounds of Divorce under the Hindu Marriage Act – This article explores the various grounds under which divorce can be sought under the Hindu Marriage Act.

  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • Grounds of Divorce under the Hindu Marriage Act
  • a. Adultery
  • b. Cruelty
  • c. Desertion
  • d. Conversion to Another Religion
  • e. Mental Disorder
  • f. Venereal Disease
  • g. Renunciation of the World
  • h. Presumption of Death
  • j. Mutual Consent Divorce under the Hindu Marriage Act
  • k. Additional Grounds for Divorce for Women
  • Conclusion


Marriage is a sacred institution in Hinduism, emphasizing the lifelong bond between spouses. However, there are circumstances where maintaining this bond becomes untenable, leading to the need for divorce. The Hindu Marriage Act, enacted in 1955, provides a legal framework for divorce proceedings within the Hindu community in India. This article explores the various grounds under which divorce can be sought under the Hindu Marriage Act.

Grounds of Divorce under the Hindu Marriage Act

a. Adultery: Adultery is considered a ground for divorce under the Hindu Marriage Act. If one spouse engages in voluntary sexual intercourse with someone other than their spouse, it can be cited as a valid reason for seeking divorce.

b. Cruelty: Cruelty encompasses both physical and mental cruelty. If one spouse treats the other with such cruelty that it becomes unbearable to live together, it constitutes a ground for divorce. The cruelty must be of a nature that it endangers the physical or mental health of the aggrieved party.

c. Desertion: If one spouse deserts the other without reasonable cause for a continuous period of at least two years prior to filing for divorce, it constitutes a ground for divorce. The deserting spouse must have abandoned the other spouse against their will.

d. Conversion to Another Religion: If one spouse converts to another religion and ceases to be a Hindu, it becomes a ground for divorce. This is based on the premise that Hindu marriages are considered sacraments, and conversion can affect the validity of the marriage.

e. Mental Disorder: If a spouse suffers from a insanity that makes it impossible to live together, divorce can be sought. The disorder should be of such a nature that it interferes with the normal marital obligations.

f. Venereal Disease: If a spouse suffers from a communicable venereal disease that is deemed serious and incurable, it can be a valid ground for divorce. The disease should have existed before the marriage and should be of such a nature that it makes cohabitation dangerous.

g. Renunciation of the World: If a spouse renounces worldly affairs and becomes a sanyasi or sanyasini it provides grounds for divorce. This is based on the idea that a marriage cannot be sustained if one of the spouses chooses a life of renunciation.

h. Presumption of Death: If a spouse has been missing for a period of at least seven years and their whereabouts are not known, they can be presumed to be dead. In such cases, the other spouse can seek divorce.

Mutual Consent Divorce under the Hindu Marriage Act

Mutual Consent: Mutual consent is one of the most common grounds for divorce. If both spouses agree to end the marriage and file a joint petition, the court can grant divorce.

Divorce, the legal dissolution of a marriage, is a complex and emotionally charged process. In India, where marriage is considered sacred and divorce carries societal stigma, the legal framework provides for different types of divorce. One such type is mutual consent divorce, which allows couples to part ways amicably without proving any fault or misconduct.

Understanding Mutual Consent Divorce

Definition and Concept: Mutual consent divorce, as per the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, is a legal separation agreed upon by both spouses without the need to establish guilt or wrongdoing. It allows couples to end their marriage if they believe that their relationship has irretrievably broken down and they no longer wish to live together.

Legal Provisions: Section 13B of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, lays down the provisions for mutual consent divorce. It requires the couple to have lived separately for a minimum of one year before filing for divorce. Additionally, they must mutually agree to dissolve the marriage and present a joint petition to the court.

Process of Filing Mutual Consent Divorce

Preparing and Signing the Petition: To initiate the process, both spouses need to draft a joint petition that outlines their intention to end the marriage. The petition must detail the reasons for seeking divorce and the terms of settlement regarding issues like alimony, child custody, and division of assets.

Waiting Period: After submitting the joint petition, the court imposes a mandatory waiting period of six months to allow for introspection and potential reconciliation. This waiting period is designed to ensure that both parties are resolute in their decision and to discourage hasty divorce.

Second Motion: Once the waiting period elapses, both spouses need to appear before the court again for the “second motion.” They reaffirm their intention to divorce, and if the court is satisfied with their consent and settlement terms, it grants the divorce decree.

Role of Courts in Mutual Consent Divorce

Scrutiny of the Petition: Courts play a supervisory role in mutual consent divorce cases. They examine the joint petition to ensure that the decision is voluntary and not influenced by coercion or duress. Courts also assess the adequacy of the settlement terms, particularly when it comes to matters like child custody and financial support.

Counseling and Reconciliation: Courts may also encourage parties to undergo counseling during the waiting period to explore the possibility of reconciliation. The aim is to prevent impulsive decisions and to give couples a chance to resolve their differences amicably.

Key Benefits and Advantages of Mutual Consent Divorce

Quicker and Less Acrimonious: One of the most significant advantages of mutual consent divorce is that it tends to be faster and less contentious compared to other forms of divorce. Since both parties agree to the separation, there’s usually less scope for litigation and disputes.

Protection of Individual Interests: Mutual consent divorce allows couples to negotiate and agree upon settlement terms that are most suitable for their individual situations. This can help protect their interests and prevent lengthy legal battles.

Less Burden on Courts: The amicable nature of mutual consent divorce reduces the burden on the already overburdened court system. This type of divorce helps expedite the legal process, allowing courts to focus on more contentious cases.

Additional Grounds for Divorce for Women

The Hindu Marriage Act also recognizes some additional grounds for divorce that are specific to women. These include if the husband has married again or has been guilty of rape, sodomy, or bestiality.


The Hindu Marriage Act provides a comprehensive list of grounds under which divorce can be sought in the Hindu community. These grounds are designed to ensure that divorce is granted only in cases where the continuation of the marriage would be untenable due to factors such as adultery, cruelty, desertion, or serious health issues. While the act seeks to preserve the sanctity of marriage, it also acknowledges that there are instances where divorce is the most reasonable option for all parties involved.

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